Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Finding Joy in Learning

I recently attended the first annual Deming Institute Education Conference in Seattle.  The conference centered on quality learning systems.  I found myself having several "aha" moments where much of what I have learned throughout my career resonated in the information shared by the speakers.  It was as if everything came together in a sort of common sense way, reminding me of why I chose education as a career in the first place.  David Langford, internationally renowned expert in quality learning and leadership, posed some poignant questions as did Alfie Kohn, also a lecturer and writer.  I was happy to have my sometimes status quo thinking shaken up a bit and the fire for student learning environments stoked!

Just as people have a right to joy in their work, students have a right to joy in their learning.  In order for there to be joy, let the learning be meaningful!  Langford spoke of elements of intrinsic motivation.  What motivates students?  Control of their learning, cooperation, support, meaning and challenge top the list!  If the work is not meaningful and challenging, students are not motivated.  Plain and simple.  When students are motivated and challenged, they are also likely to take responsibility for their learning.  Students will even go so far as to set their own goals!  Wow....who would have thought?  An additional query posed by a speaker....when kids have more say in their learning, will cheating go away?  When teachers are not just covering the curriculum, but discovering ideas, are students more engaged?  Let's teach kids to solve problems together, immersed in the "doing" and not simply receiving information.  This is common sense stuff.  We seem to get caught up in the weeds sometimes and we forget about letting discovery and inquiry lead the way.

I feel recharged and ready to support teachers as we continue to build a quality learning system in our district. I am surrounded by excellent teachers and eager students - the perfect ingredients for success!