Sunday, September 13, 2015

What a great start!

I cannot say enough about the first two weeks of our school year.  The dedication of the staff is second to none.  It is with awe that I have observed the seamless transitions our students have experienced moving from one grade to the next.  New routines were quickly established and the students are settling in beautifully!

I could not pass up the opportunity to snap a "First Day of School" picture as I begin my journey at MStM.  Taking a photo by this historic bell seems pretty appropriate!  Ringing in a great year!

As we begin this year, we are focusing on individual professional development plans for teachers and working to provide personalized learning based on these plans.  This approach just makes sense!  As a teacher, I spent years in professional development sessions that were basically a one size fits all approach.  I see in our future targeted learning for teachers in multiple areas, including literacy and math strategies, classroom climate and differentiated instruction.

I am eager to be in classrooms and see the learning!  The dust will never settle around here.  There is way too much to learn and be able to do!

Go Blue Devils!