Tuesday, September 6, 2016

One Word -- Intentional

After a reflective drive to my hometown and back over the weekend, I decided it was time to get busy and back on track with blogging.  Summer is fading and we are embracing all things “fall” here at school – progress monitoring, FAST screening, Homecoming, fall sports, anticipation of field trips to the pumpkin patch, PBIS, new literacy resources, new friends, and a lengthy list of good work being done in our classrooms.  

When starting in my position as MStM Elementary Principal in the summer of 2015, I read a great deal of work written by Jon Gordon.  He provides direction and food for thought to leaders for the organizations in their charge.  In one particular YouTube video I watched, he challenged his audience to choose one word as a focus for the year.  I shared this challenge with the teachers on staff, and they displayed this word in their classrooms for the entire school year as a constant reminder.  My word was “Expectations.”  I knew that there would be a plethora of expectations for me as the new principal, but I also had expectations for myself.  This year, we repeated this exercise and my word – “Intentional.”  My goal is to make all of my work and our collective work as a staff as intentional and purposeful as possible.  In our first staff meeting, I encouraged teachers to always ask themselves, “Why?” when it comes to their instruction in the classroom.  If we are not able to answer with purposeful instructional practices, then we had better think about making some changes.  In all of this, I am blessed to be among a group of dedicated professionals who certainly can answer that “why” with conviction.  So, we are off to a great start!

Back to my drive and that think time…the summer provided multiple opportunities for making memories for me.  Gathering with a group of high school friends for a long weekend, multiple days on the road in southern Iowa for The Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) and the birth of my first grandchild top the list.  (Not necessarily in that order – the baby trumps it all!)  But, all three of those events have the common thread of what grounds me in my Iowa roots and the importance of friends and family.  And this brings me back to sitting at my desk after an early fall day here at school.  I have the opportunity to work with staff and community members who appreciate the value of family and taking care of one another.  They dedicate themselves to each and every student and ensure that their needs are met.  They greet students at the door every morning, ready to give it their all, knowing they will have a forever influence on the kids in their charge.  They are truly intentional and purposeful and committed to the work. 

This is what makes my heart full as we embark on another great year.